Faces of Skedulo: Tu Dao

People are the heart of Skedulo, and success—for us, our team and our customers—is a collaborative effort. We are proud of our team’s achievements and celebrate them every month with our Skedgend Awards. A Skedgend is a teammate who has been nominated by their peers for consistently demonstrating excellence in our values:


In this series, we share the personal stories of our valued Skedgends who work on the frontline and behind the scenes to help make Skedulo a success.

Tu Dao, Principal Developer, based in Brisbane Australia | Skedgend Award Winner, April 2021


How long have you been with Skedulo?

I joined Skedulo in May 2016, so 5 years now. I worked for 3 and a half years in the Vietnam office before I moved to the Brisbane office. 

Why did you choose to work with Skedulo?

I was a freelancer for a few years before I joined Skedulo. So I wanted to find a company with flexible working terms, and one of my friends provided good feedback about Skedulo. 

When I first joined there were only 5 developers working in a co-working space. It looked like a freelancer group rather than a company! I never thought that Skedulo would grow so fast in the next few years.

What’s your favorite thing about your role with Skedulo?

In my role, I have the chance to work on different projects with many teams on various platforms and technologies. There are always new things to study every day. And I like the fact that there’s always someone around to help when I have issues.

Have you ever nominated someone for the Skedgend Award and why?

Yes, I nominated fellow teammates for their expertise and dedication when we were working on the BRL project last year. 

How did winning the Skedgend Award make you feel?

It’s great to have the individual recognition and I really appreciate the kind words from the team. I was a bit surprised because many people deserve this award. Everyone has been working very hard to make the vaccination project a big success.

What stories supported your win for the Skedgend Award?

There was a customisation for the State of Maine so I worked on the technical design and did the development.

What company value did you win the Skedgend award for?

There were a couple of values, but I think I was nominated mainly for Customer Driven…which is also one of my favourite values.


What Skedgend values do you feel you embody most?

I always try to embody Customer Driven because I think the key to customer success is finding what the customer needs and helping them to get it. 

What motivates you to work hard?

It’s the customer satisfaction. I’m very lucky to have the opportunity to work with great customers who are very nice and supportive. I always try my best to deliver on their expectations. 

What is your proudest accomplishment at Skedulo?

I’m proud that I can build and manage a Salesforce package. It’s not just about the technical stuff, but there’s a lot of things we have to do in a short period of time. Although there are many areas to improve, I’m glad that I was able to solve the most critical issue with support from PM teams, CX teams and the Salesforce product team. 

What is the funniest thing that has happened on a work call?

When I was on a call with a developer in the Vietnam office, I kept hearing my wife asking me a question so I had to stop for a while to talk with her. Turned out she thought I had asked her something, and she kept asking me what I wanted to talk to her about!

What has been the biggest surprise working at Skedulo?

There are so many nice surprises since I’ve joined Skedulo, so it’s hard to tell which one is the biggest.

Recently I got a token of appreciation and a thank you letter from my managers. I really appreciated it and it reminded me of Skedulo heart; one of our focuses is caring for each other, for customers, and for the communities we serve.

What are you most excited about in 2021?

I’m looking forward to more opportunities with the high capacity booking for non-vax customers. 

How does working at Skedulo allow you to be your best self?

In the last 5 years, I’ve been working on many complex projects with many talented people and I can learn a lot from them. Besides the technical skill, I can also improve my soft skills—especially the ability to eliminate distractions and focus on the most important goals. 

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